Hi. We Manufacture Safe, Quality Electric Cables.
Insist to your electrician on using Coast Cables to power your home, office or industry, and have peace of mind.
Need more information about our distributors?
Two Hill Electrical
MOB: 0722 936824
Fahad Electrical & Hardware
Biashara Street
MOB: 0731 442224, 0705 290995
EMAIL: fahadelectrical15@gmail.com
Al Madina Hardware
Charo Wamae Road
MOB: 0718 670021, 0714 047171
Nairobi Road
MOB: 0728 515145, 0734 938542, 0791 394400
Western Emporium
Oginga Odinga Road
MOB: 0722 829595
EMAIL: westemp@africaonline.co.ke
Citymart Electricals & General Hardware
MOB: 0706 619991
Powermax Mombasa
Market Mansion Building, Msanifu Kombo Street
MOB: 0705 917635
EMAIL: customercare@powermaxea.com, info@powermaxea.com
Imamia Electricals & Hardware
(behind Blue Room)
MOB: 0722 689194
TEL: 041 2220131
EMAIL: imamiaelectricals@yahoo.com
Topline Electrical Centre
Hospital Street / Raha Leo Street
MOB: 0722 768085
EMAIL: toplineelect@yahoo.com
Pwani Cables & Electrical
Konzi Street, behind Blue Room
MOB: 0723 851860, 0708 661699
EMAIL: pwanicables@gmail.com
Veezed Enterprises
Meru Road
MOB: 0722 411531, 0735 305286, 0717 562923
EMAIL: sales@veezedltd.com
Coast Metals Traders Ltd.
Location I: Pandya Road, near old Railway station.
MOB: 0720 631117, 0733 605806
EMAIL: harishcmtl@gmail.com
Location II: Nyali
MOB: 0703273287, 0788605806
EMAIL: harishcmtl@gmail.com
Malsat Traders
Jomo Kenyatta Road (near Jabreen Cafe)
MOB: 0707 974585, 0738 889808
EMAIL: malsattraders@yahoo.com
Abdulrasul Mulla & Sons
Mulla Electric, Uhuru Road (opp. A.A. Shakir)
MOB: 0720 820095
TEL: 042 2120089
EMAIL: eabdulrasul52@gmail.com
Mtwapa Electrical & Hardware
MOB: 0733 902853
Powermax Nairobi
Central Park Building, Sheikh Karume Road
MOB: 0718 639547, 0724 896456
EMAIL: customercare@powermaxea.com, info@powermaxea.com
Powermax Distributors
Thunguri House, Duruma Road
MOB: 0707 586304 / 0723 854131
EMAIL: customercare@powermaxea.com, info@powermaxea.com
Powermax Backmart
PDL Building, Duruma Road
MOB: 0733 713057 / 0797 733232
EMAIL: customercare@powermaxea.com, info@powermaxea.com
Jonka Electricals
Cross Lane
MOB: 0721 989288
New Shakah Electricals
Munyu Road
MOB: 0722 209421
EMAIL: newshakah15@gmail.com
Marksy Electricals
Kirk House, Duruma Road
MOB: 0722 379907, 0733 541521, 0706 565857
EMAIL: marksyelectricalz@gmail.com
Twinkid Electricals
Charles Rubia Lane
MOB: 0702 190773/4, 0721 388919
EMAIL: twinkidelect@gmail.com
Cedam Electricals
Ambala Road
MOB: 0722 304289, 0717 110074
EMAIL: cedamelectricals@gmail.com
D. B. Electrical & Hardware
Gusii Road
MOB: 0718 957856, 0733 823785
EMAIL: dbelectricalz@gmail.com
Kimsa ElectricalsMburu Gichua RoadMOB: 0728 659389, 0727 230800, 0720 588002Diani/Ukunda
Ruiru (Kiambu)
Powermax Ruiru
Spur Mall, Thika Road (Exit 12)
MOB: 0742 033121, 0732492228
Kareemjee Hardware Store
Timboni, Watamu
MOB: 0722 410292, 0733 410292
CONTACT: Ebrahim - 0712 503931, Muzahir - 0734 410292
EMAIL: karimjeehardware@gmail.com
Electrical Specialists (& Contractors)
MOB: 0722 697524
Panafric Electrical Contractors
TEL: 020 2137074
- air conditioning installations
- service and repair
MOB: 0722 206403, 0732 206403
EMAIL: info@shankarelectronics.com
Car & General Mombasa
- Generators, Compressors & Wiring
- Service and repair
- expansion of power capacity
TEL: 041 2319244/6
Gift Electricals & Hardware (Motor Wire Rewinder)
MOB: 0722 717803
Hans Electrical Services (Motor Wire Rewinder)
TEL: 041 2226840
Pramaka Electrical Engineers (Motor Wire Rewinder, Electrical Works)
MOB: 0722 769884
TEL: 041 2492062
TEL: 041 2229299
MOB: 0722 513945, 0733 527823
TEL: 020 6556086/6552945/6531052/6531053/6530456
MOB: 0733 519774, 0774 139484
TEL: 020 2191646
Switchgear & Controls (Panel Maker)
TEL: 020 2502033
MOB: 0724 255298
TEL: 020 2077219
EMAIL: info@spsafrica.com
Rep Electric (K)
- Motor Rewinds, Repairs & Sales
- Refrigeration & Compressors
MOB: 0733 333999 / 0722 510 636
TEL: 020 265 4780 / 1
EMAIL: info@repelectric.net
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Our Products
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Medium Voltage,Armoured,Copper,LSHF,Non-ArmouredPVC,XLPE,Armoured,Non-ArmouredTwin Flat,Twin with Earth,Grey Flat,TECCAbout Us
Founded in 1978 as a manufacturer of super enameled copper winding wire, Coast Cables is a fully-fledged cable production plant operating on a large scale with over 35 years of presence in the industry. We are committed to our strict principles focusing on producing safe & high-quality cables, meeting customer satisfaction and catering for countrywide connectivity demand.
With hard work and determination to be the best, we have developed into one of the leaders in domestic and industrial electrical power cables. Following our tradition and experience we have continuously invested in state of the art machinery that produces highest quality product.
Through our wide network of distributors our products are available all over Kenya and East Africa.
Our manufactured and imported products, of various sizes, include:
Single Core PVC Cables
Single Core XLPE Cables
Twin Flat Cables
Twin with Earth Cables
Flexible Cables
Armoured Cables
Non-Armoured Cables
Medium Voltage Cables
Copper Winding Wire (rewinding wire)
Copper Tapes
Any Other Special Cables
We are KEBS compliant having been issued with STANDARDISATION and 3-year DIAMOND MARK certificates for ARMOURED and NON-ARMOURED cables.
Contact Us
Send us a message below or give us a call!
P.O. Box 87569 - 80100
KenyaMonday to Friday: 8.00 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday: 8.00 am - 1.00 pm0722 206412, 0733 615136Find Us
Our head office is situated in Mombasa. See map below.
Coast Cables Ltd. © 2024